Set language AC Brotherhood on Mac OSX

  1. Intro
  2. tl;dr


For some odd reason Ubisoft decided the Mac OSX version of ‘Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood’ should have weird language settings. From the game you can change the audio dialogs language just fine, but the menus and subtitles are limited to only one option, your default OS language. For me it was stuck on Dutch, but even though this is my native language it just doesn’t suit games. After digging through all the game files and interwebs and figuring out why it was ignoring Steam’s language setting, this little one-time only trick fixed it. Enjoy!


  • Open Terminal app. (just use Spotlight to find it)
  • Copy/paste next line & hit enter.
defaults write com.Ubisoft.AssassinsCreedBrotherhood AppleLanguages '("en-US")'
  • Close the Terminal.

Basically you override your OSX languages preferences for only one specific app. Change en-US to your liking. The change is saved in the app’s settings file so you should never have to run it again for ACB.

Tested with OSX Yosemite 10.10.3, but should also work fine with 10.9 and earlier.


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