Fix for Bad interpreter: Operation not permitted

Note to self

Sometimes I get this error on the macOS Terminal or when running my script from the CodeRunner app:

bash: /path/to/script: /usr/local/bin/node: bad interpreter: Operation not permitted

Quick fix

xattr -d /path/to/script



Text editors like OSX’s TextEdit, Textastic and CodeRunner sometimes lock the file. This command fixed it.

It also appears to happen when the editor (BBEdit) is changing the line-endings in the file to Windows CRLF format, instead of the *nix LF format. You can resolve this with the ‘dos2unix’ tool.

If you don’t have Homebrew installed, follow this guide.

Then in the Terminal run this command:

brew install dos2unix

And to convert your file:

dos2unix /path/to/file


One response to “Fix for Bad interpreter: Operation not permitted”

  1. After 2h of googling this is the solution for my problem! Thanks a lot.

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